We are in Calgary. We made it in two nearly-painless days (the night was painful- she does NOT like the peapod- or maybe it was Bonner's Ferry, ID). We are staying with fabulous and gracious hosts, Bryan, Wendy & Ginger. They have a beautiful house in the SW and we and Kat have our own rooms and bathrooms. I highly recommend this place! Ben has liberated only a few non-dog food items. We have been at the dogpark every day so far. And will have to go to a good ground squirrel location so that Boo can play whack-a-mole. That's what it looks like- one comes up and then disappears and another comes up somewhere else. He LOVES to chase them.
Kat on our 600+ mile journey to Calgary. She didn't eat Twizzlers the whole way. But they did come in mighty handy twice.
Tonite at Mark & Ann's. All you need to entertain a 2 year old (almost), is a border collie and a ball. For HOURS.
Bianca was also great entertainment tonite.
And Ann. This kid the energizer bunny. She just keep going as long as there is fun to be had. No meltdowns, no overtired munchkin, she just doesn't stop. After 4 hours of playing with dogs, kids, adults and staircases, and 1.5 hours past her bedtime, she didn't sleep on the way home, instead she mostly sang! Then when put in bed, passed out instantly. Here's hoping she sleeps until 11!
The entire crowd: Bianca, Ann, Mark & Dan up top, Kat, Boo, Ben, Eric and Mia down below.
Kat was so excited- she had no idea that dogs would chase a thrown ball. Hers won't, cause they're old, lazy, and mostly, not border collies!
Kat and Sherry the night before. We've been scoring free meals all week, with no end in sight! Bryan and Wendy (cause they haven't done enough) and Wally and Kathy are next up.
Shannon and Kat- so sad the pic is blurry, but he LOVED having a little girl on his lap (they have 3 boys). There was discussion (threats?) of a trade, but in the end we left with the one we brought and no extras.
Here's the crowd in Shan & Sherry's backyard. This was on the beautiful day. It is supposed to be cold and snowy the next 3 days. DOUGH!
The big boys playing with the little kids' toys.
At the dogpark yesterday. She loved all of the dried grass- it was just like the easter egg hunts.
Testing the wind?
You can get an idea how windy it was from Ben's coat.
That is a rock in the foreground- I can prove it.