Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Part I, II & III (IV yet to come)

At the Pumpkin prowl at the zoo last weekend. She has 3 costumes to choose from- the penguin, the bunny (got them at a garage sale for $2 each as well as next year's Eeyore and kitty) and the low key Dora the Explorer, which will be a fall back costume all her life......

She got the trick or treating thing immediately- ohhh. what did they put in my little basket? I should eat it now!
This is yesterday's halloween party- same little bee- Charlotte- whom she just loves.

Dancing. I think.
Apparently bunnies like to have their bellies rubbed. Who knew?
I don't know why the little bunny never smiles for pics...or looks happy for that matter.
Last night at the Musuem of Flight. I think that's the only time she had to hood up.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Multimedia message

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Multimedia message

Halloween at the zoo

Multimedia message

In the pool. We love the pool. 

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheryl's Visit part two..finally

Oh yeah...Cheryl's been gone for over a week andI haven't posted the rest of the pics. I am a slacker. Kat was obsessed with feeding Cheryl at every meal. I should mention that in Cheryl's research, she wanted to go whale watching while in WA. We discouraged that, as it would have been 6 hours on a boat, paying a lot of money, traveling a long distance and freezing our butts off. So we did a ferry ride instead, as it's a great way to view the city, let Kat play in the wind and potentially (though I never had) see marine mammals. Well, surprise, surprise,we saw whales!!!! Lots of whales!! It was awesome! Cheryl has a few pics of them. I didn't get any.

And I have figured out how to send an SMS message (I have no idea what that is) from my iphone to post a pic directly on Katnaps. So, be on the lookout, especially this week as I exploit my new skill and Kat experiences Halloween for the first time! First party is tomorrow- see if you can figure out what she is supposed to be!

Kat loves her lemons.
Love that face!

Here are all 4 of us. We went to the locks and fish ladder. There was ONE lonely salmon looking confused in the fish ladder. At least Cheryl got to see one!
A cute close up.
More feeding of Cheryl. I don't know how she's eating without Kat's help.
Kat makes Dan 'ride' old paint with her. But he's never allowed to hold on at all. It's a riot.
Taking Cheryl to the airport. Kas was happy to pull her bag throughout the terminal. She needed a course correction now and again, but she did drag it all the way to security where we sadly parted with Kat's new toy, Cheryl.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheryl's visit, or in Kat's world, Kat's new toy!

There were many airplane rides this AM. There's a video of this on the video bar to the top right of the page.
Kat's turn to give Cheryl a ride....

Yesterday on the ferry, in the wind. There's a (sideways) video of this on the video bar to the top right of the page.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The bubble gun...and Ben

We went to the Salmon Days festival the other day and saw lots of kids with these bubble guns. Now I HATE bubbles. And Kat LOVES them. I always wind up covered in sticky, slime as she wings the wands all over the place and licks the bubble solution out, as blowing them with her own mouth works for her. So I asked a mom where they got it and beelined over there to get us one. We got it out this evening and fun was had by all. And I stayed slime free, though I can't say as much for the dogs. Actually, I think it's a good cleaning tool- as she covered many of the outdoor play items with the bubbles, so when we get a good rain, and I'm sure that we will...they'll all get clean. As will the dogs, I guess.
Once she got the hang of the trigger, she was a maniac. Poor Boo had no idea what was happening (and I hadn't run for the camera yet) and she pretty much covered him from behind, so he didn't even see it coming. He made himself pretty scarce after that.
Cleaning the yard toys.
That face just killed me! It may be the funniest face ever.

Ben actually loves snapping at bubbles. Though tonite, he was more interested in hanging with me, which made for difficult photos and lots of blurry closeups and walk throughs.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The last game of the season

It was the last game of the season. Possibly Junior's last game of his career. He got a standing 'O' each time he batted. And again after his last bat- for a long time. It was pretty cool, as he was clearly the heart of the Mariners this year. And after last year, when they had a losing season, and some of them hated one another, this year it was clear that they were all having a lot of fun, and winning, out there. Alas, they didn't win enough to go to the playoffs, but it was way more fun this year, for everyone.
After the game ended- those are all Mariners, staff and ground crew. The M's all mad ethe rounds of the stadium throwing out t-shirts, balls (dan got one- an unsigned game ball from Junior's last game, maybe) hats and other Ms gear to the crowd.

Kat likes her 'aid. That's lemonade to the rest of us. Mostly one straw at a time. Woe to the people around us who she showers with lemonade when extracting the straw over and over and over....
The tree hugger kid. She would run from one tree to another and hug it. Then she was picking up a pebble at the base of each tree and..I don't know, try to find somewhere in the bark to insert it?
Then the game evolved to taking pebbles from one tree to the next and on and on...I'm sure that it would have made perfect sense to any other two year old...

Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November