Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nothing happening, no news to report....

But I have a few pics from the iphone. Kat's been sick all week- slight fever (101) and now coughing and congestion, so we've been laying low, as I'm sure our playgroups didn't want to see us. Now Dan and I have at least a cold/congestion each, so we laid low again today. We have bored the crap out of the poor little girl and the pets. Hopefully we'll all be better tomorrow and can at least hit the dogpark. The worst part was, it was beautiful here all week- not raining and up to 60 degrees, so it really sucked to be mostly staying indoors.
Well, mostly inside. She loves her trike. And her adorable helmet (her idea to show the top of it).Last night at the mall-she has discovered both quarters AND pockets and it's priceless to watch her put a quarter her little pocket and then pull it out to ride one of the rides. She seems to like money, though she calls any coin a quarter and seems partial to pennies, despite my attempts to explain the difference....

Yesterday at the dogpark.

Group pic. Awwww.

Playing with her xmas gift from Grandpa & Grandma in FL.

Eating Wendy 'thoup'. Soup is now officially called 'Wendy thoup' in our house. Kat preferred the real thing to the lousy imitation. Her idea to remove her shirt to eat soup, but I didn't argue.

Maybe we'll have something exciting to post next week. Maybe we'll leave the house? Who knows!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Final Calgary pics and today's snowshoeing adventure

A few weeks ago Charlotte came over one AM so Diane could go to the Boeing 787 test flight. Can you tell which kid had JUST gotten out of bed?

I guess I used to think that Charlotte was bigger than Kat. Maybe she was, but I don't think she is anymore. But I think she does outweigh her!

The last Calgary pics...though we all had a great time in Calgary, Kat, seeing us packing up and loading the car, was taking no chances dressed and right inside the door so we couldn't forget her. Though I think she had a better deal with Wendy: Turkey soup and spa baths on demand...I never heard Wendy say the dreaded 'no' word to her.....

Group shot, excepting Ginger.

We met Mare for lunch on the way out. These are too close in a dark room, but still cute.


Awwwww again.Family pic at Earls by Mare.
Self portrait of us. I thought I had blue eyes, but they look gray to me.
Family pics out in the snow today. For our xmas card...or new year's card...or valentine's day card..... we'll see what kind of card we eventually send out.

Mark pulling Charlotte up the hill.

So sad I cut off the top....the expression is priceless. This kid loves her sled! And the snow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

long overdue xmas updates....

So, as we're living in Seattle and we weren't having a white xmas this year, we went somewhere we knew they'd have snow- Calgary. And they did- and santa, rudolph, donner and some elves had xmas gifts for Kat as well.

Our trip to YYC (Calgary) was pretty uneventful. We got a very late start leaving SEA for myriad reasons and didn't actually head east, and stay that way, until 4pm. So we made it to Cour'd'alene (sp?), Idaho, just past the WA state line when poor Kat had had enough. That made the second day a bit longer, but she did great- watching her kitty movie (Otis & Milo) on our new iTouch and playing her apps. We hit some snowy stuff around Crow's Nest Pass and on into YYC, but made pretty good time, arriving around 8. To a waiting dinner, courtesy of the world's best hosts, Bryan, Wendy & Ginger. That was awesome. And it was cold. The kind of cold we had forgotten, probably hovering around zero F.

We moved into their house quickly, stunning our hosts with how much stuff the Highlander can fit. It is impressive.

Kat's big accomplishment of this trip, aside from visiting many existing fans and adding new ones, was learning to climb out of the porta-crib. It is true that she barely still fits in it, but it did contain her. Until now. She positively delighted in climbing out, letting herself out of her room (awesome digs- Kat had her own room and we our own suite), and wandering out to play the piano or find some other mischief to get into. We even put a bell on the door and that rarely served as an alert for us. She really LOVED her new independence.

We visited with many great friends and had some great holiday meals with wonderful folks: Mark, Ann, Bianca & Eric for x-mas eve dinner; Bryan & Wendy, Ashley, Erin & Walter and his family for a wonderful xmas dinner (which we continued to eat for the rest of the week); Mark & Ann & Co again for boxing day pizza; we met Mare for lunch on the way out of town; went out to the country so that Kat could meet Linda and various farm animals and took her to the jungle gym that is Shannon & Sherry's (and their 3 boys and any day now a girl) house to play with the boys for a few hours. Kat loved playing with the border collie again at Mark & Ann's. This time, she would throw the ball down the stairs, scream, slam the door and then lay down at the top to look thru the crack underneath to watch Mia, I guess. It was hugely entertaining to at least one of them.

The ride home was great- again, due to a late start and crappy roads, we got as far as Cranbrooke, BC. There were about 8 people in town, less in the parking lot and the Best Western wanted $144 or something crazy with the AAA discount. We went to the Days Inn down the road and paid $89. I mentioned the price at the BW and the desk clerk said her boyfriend works there and you have to talk them down. I don't think so. They got one shot at any of our money and they blew it. So the second day's drive was again long, made longer by snow and wintry weather. Poor Dan got stuck with the bulk of it- especially the three hour slog through the Cascades right in our back yard. It's normally an hour from CleElem. It was 35 most of the way and traction tires were required (not that we had them, but we're from Buffalo!)

Anyway, here are many pics in no particular order. I don't yet know where my camera is, so the pics with B& W and Mare and I don't know what else, aren't here yet. When I find it, I'll add the rest of the pics.
I don't think there can be a cuter photo. Course it's only 2mp, as it's from the iphone, and thus can't be enlarged, or hardly printed. But still....

Apperently I forgot to get a pic with the skis on. But she loved the poles. they're fun.
In Fish Creek Park with Wendy and Ginger.

I think she's trying to step on Wendy's heels.
Kat amazed me by walking and pulling her sled, a lot, instead of asking to be carried. She did consent to being pulled in teh sled and pushed down hills.

You have to love the hoarfrost.
Kat meeting Linda and Jewel, the horse.
Meeting the minature donkeys. She got to feed them.
Dan feeding the horse apples.
Snow angels.
After xmas dinner, Erin was dressing Kat up. Kat loved running up and down the runway for us. This costume doubles as a toddler straight jacket. I loved it. And better yet, I have one of these!!!
Kat talked Wendy into a her jetted tub. With LOTS of bubbles! Needless to say, she loved it.
Kat's big revelation on xmas day was the xmas tree full of candy canes!!! Presents, smeasants!
Back to the tub.
Back to the costumes. Erin called this one Rhoda.

Blurry, but look at that face. Not to mention the Elmo-wear.

Snow angels in B&W's formerly pristine back yard.

I finally got around to taking xmas pics. In this year's and last year's xmas outfits, courtesy of Grandma M.

Kat meets Charlie Horse.

Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November