So, while our night started out much better than the previous, it went south about 2:30AM. And it wasn't Kat. Poor Dan had either food poisoning or a norovirus-type bug and he was violently ill for a several hours. He was up and down puking till about 7AM. Kat slept like the dead, at least. Dan would get up, run to the bathroom, puke his brains out, then return to bed and actually fall asleep. Until the next time.
When Kat and I got up, we headed to breakfast and to ask for a late checkout (and to see if they had a room for us for that night if necessary). Then to the pool, which of course she loved. And she attached herself to an 11 year old girl who had a great time playing with her, so I got to ride on the really fast water slide. Then back to a sleeping Dan to see what he wanted to do, as while he hadn't been sick for a few hours, he felt like he got run over by a truck. And of course, there was no guarantee that he was done being sick....
But he soldiered on, dragging himself to the shower and the car, so we could go to the hockey game. Luckily we were able to pick up our tx the day before. So off to University of British Columbia for hockey. USA women VS Finland. It was so exciting to be at an Olympic game. We were in the 9th row, so had an awesome view of the rink. And Kat was mesmerized by the game. The first period she sat in her seat and waved her flag, watching the action all over the rink (okay, mostly in Finland's end). She even nudged/yelled at Dan multiple times for not waving his flag. She totally got it- it was amazing!!!
She's just so cute in her USA basketball jersey. That's the best I could do on short notice, but I think it was pretty good.
It was the coolest thing to be in the arena when the game ended and the crowd started chanting "USA...USA...USA". Then, as the crowd moved out, we found where the women were coming out to see their families. I had no idea who was who, but it was cool to see. I tried to get Kat close enough for knucks, but alas, we didn't get close enough.
Then we headed home, poor Dan elated that he went to the game, but still feeling like he got run over by a truck. So we hurried home, just in case it is a bug and would be hitting myself and Kat soon (we'd really rather be home for violent puking, I'm pretty sure). We made it home by 9:15 after a one car wait at the border. And while Dan's still feeling the effects of the bug, he hasn't been puking and neither Kat nor I have seen any sign of it. Hopefully it will stay that way.
We are so glad we went north. It was an experience of a lifetime and Kat will remember it forever. Well, maybe not, but she has the red mittens to prove it. I'll have to get a pic of that soon.
If anyone reading is interested in getting up there, hop on a plane and get out here. Kat and I, at least, are flexible and can make a Vancouver day trip almost any day. Tickets are still available, though they are likely getting more expensive and rarer, but just wandering around DT through the thick of it all is worth the trip (well, possibly).
Here are some hockey videos. The one where we score gets a little shaky, but it's so cool to hear the crowd go crazy (it was only the 2nd or 3rd goal).