Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hula hoop queen!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Now this makes sense

We went to our friends veterinary open house today. We had a great time & won lots of baskets. And, the best part: near the end apparently they took the dogs out of the kennels and .... Why didn't we think of this sooner?

I can't remember....

If I posted these. But you'll laugh either way. At me for losing my mind. Or, if seeing them for the first time, at Kat proudly wearing her 'most talkative' award. Maybe we can be a little too social sometimes?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Second Grade

We have the same drivers as the last 2 years, which is really cool!  So far so good!!!  Ok, that's all I have for now!

pics from our week in the cabin

Winnie the Pooh jr

Halfway up the stairs

After the summer show

With Zoe.

Nature camp!

Alladin Jr

From theatre camp.

Kat's birthday party

Kat's shows this summer and random pics

 on my computer so I could download pics

These are from our vaca in NC w/ Mel & Greg.  I think all pics were taken in/from the boat.

Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November