Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Kat has landed!!!

At 10 am this morning, we met the foster mom and Kat for the first time (and last for one of them). The FM clearly adored Kat, though she left with little fanfare and Kat has, so far, accepted us placidly. She did finally fall asleep and woke up soon after crying, I suspect that waking up in unfamiliar surroundings (she's never been in a crib, much less a hotel before) was startling. She's doing great and tolerating our cluelessness beautifully. So far. And she's damn cute, as you will see. Her FM had her in this adorable Mayan outfit. We'll put her back in it for photos later. It was too big and too cute to wear around the hotel with us, so we changed her.

It's hard to add more photos, as blogger assumes you want them at the top...I call this series going, going, gone


Liza said...

Yippee!!! She's adorable as always. We've been watching for updates. We are thinking about you all!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little family you are! She fits right in. Princess Kat will be ruling your roost. Can't wait to meet her. Look out boys, there's a new boss in town!

Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November