Sunday, February 22, 2009

Canada: One province down, 12 to go (if you count the Territories)

Kat visited a new country and thus a new province today! We went to White Rock, the southern-most part of BC, for lunch with Wendy and her parents and sister. No one gave Kat's green card/passport a second glance. Which was good.

Though we did wait for 2 HOURS to come back into the US. You Buffalonians have no idea that not all border crossings are like what you're used to. It's six booths, IF they're all open. Metro areas of probably 6 million people within 100 mile radius and they have 6 booths. Two entries though, so that's 12 booths, if they're all open. I pity Americans who think they'll be going to the Olympics, as there is serious construction going on at one entry of 6 booths and IT WON'T BE DONE BEFORE THE OLYMPICS. It's not like they've known for at least six years that there would be Olympics in Vancouver next year.

The cutest RCMP officer ever.....

Sitting on Heather's lap.

Wendy giving her a drink.
Wendy, Kat, Heather, Doris and Keith (Wendy's folks) and Dan.
On another note, though we took the Highlander, the RAV is home and appears to be fine. They fixed the oil line, went through three jars of cleaner to clean the oil off of everything under the hood, replaced the serpentine belt. The engine, so far has been fine, it was not replaced. The oil in the driveway has been soaked up with kitty litter, though the trail down the street has not. I feel an environmental twinge every time I leave the house.

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Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November