Monday, August 31, 2009

Our little monkey

I don't know why the iPhone won't actually send the pic to the blog (it sends it to everyone else). Liza's does. Can't be a user error...could it?

1 comment:

Liza said...

Was this sent from your phone? I can see it just fine. Love the cute jacket and the cute baby! I don't have any troubleshooting wisdom. Do you have it sent to save emails as drafts? That's what I do and then I go in and publish them and it always worked. What does the html of the non-working post look like? Does it have the right tags and all? Wish I could help more.

Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November