Sunday, November 3, 2013

Every direction I look is North!!!

This is Chris's email from the South Pole. Not enough to be in Antarctica, but this year the South Pole!! He seems pretty excited about it. 

Hey Gang...
I'm writing from the FREAKING SOUTH POLE!!!
Got in two days was minus 49 degrees with a minus 81 deg wind chill!!!
To be fair it only takes a breeze of about 10 or 15 miles an hour to drive that kinda windchill. I really didn't feel it cause I was too stoked on adrenalin. At about 10,000 ft elevation and didn't feel that either... same reason...
Yesterday was my first day of work... adrenalin gone, welcome to reality... Damn it's cold and I'm outta breath. Went to wrestle a sled out of a snow bank and within 45 seconds was bent over gasping for breath. Cold isn't so much an issue cause I'm wearing so many layers and so active at my job that I'm staying warm. Just gotta be careful cause this is where people get instant frost bite from exposed skin touching super cooled metals or solvents. (Awe man... I don't wanna have to THINK on the job)
Absolutely loving it.
Hope you are all well, and I will try to get you all some kinda cool souvenier or send you something from the pole.
I have phone and internet in my room, which is a big bonus compared to McMurdo. We don't always have satellite coverage for phone or internet but will try to stay in touch...

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Kat 12-6-07

Kat 12-6-07
I assume that she's alive....




I love the look she's giving her foster mom



Kat 10-26-07

Kat 10-26-07
Kat & foster mom

Kat in late December 07

Kat in late December 07

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom

Kat's first christmas with her foster mom
This is just too cute

From Late November

From Late November
I think she's eating a gobstopper

Late November

Late November